Originally posted by Buck Lovell on Monday, 21 November 2011 in Buck Lovell’s – American Biker Blog


If you see yourself in a Phototoon on this blog or elsewhere, it’s because you came into camera range while riding your motorcycle. Sure, I hide in the trees alongside the road trying to get candid photos. I also keep a camera on the seat beside me when I’m driving to capture bikers as they ride by. I have hundreds of photos in which riders are making faces at me, doing silly things etc. Remember the TV show Candid Camera? That’s me with a still camera, and soon to be me with a video camera if I can figure out how to run the thing (it’s a Canon EOS 7D). If you see yourself in a Phototoon here on this blog or anywhere else, please contact me so I can send you a FREE American Cop bike book, and a set of my vintage AMERICAN motorcycle collector cards. You gotta pay the postage though. Shoot me an email…………bucklovellsblog@gmail.com