Originally posted by Buck Lovell on Saturday, 21 April 2012 in Buck Lovell’s – American Biker Blog




If you’re planning on coming to the annual Sturgis Rally 2012 make sure you wear eye protection if you don’t have a windshield on your motorcycle. Legal night-time eye protection does not include dark sunglasses. If a traffic office cannot determine the color of your eyes through your glasses he may claim they are too dark to be safe. If you are issued a traffic citation for lack of eye protection, it will cost you $40.00 on the spot.At this time, motorcycle riders are not required to wear a helmet in South Dakota.

Law enforcement officers from all of the state of South Dakota are recruited for Sturgis Rally duty. Sturgis duty cops rarely carry a chip on their shoulders and most really go out of their way to make the event enjoyable for visiting bikers. I remember attempting to ride from my campground near Spearfish after dark. My motor qit about halfway there, so I reached for the gas valve. It was already in the reserve position. YES, this was a carburetor equipped bike. My wife had ridden the bike and gone on reserve earlier. I guess this is where you say “turn on the gas” stupid.

I had no sooner stopping rolling to the side of the Interstate 90, than headlights pulled in behind me. It was a South Dakota highway patrol car with two occupants/officers. When one of the patrol officers approached me, his first words were “Hey, are you outta gas?” My response was “yes sir.” He then asked me if I had any money. When I said yes, hoffered to go get me some gas, after telling me he saw me trying to switch on the reserve. I gave the man $5.00 and he drove off. In less than 15 minutes they were back with a full gas can. I filled ‘er up and thanked those two cops. They wished me a good Sturgis week, and I was on my way. Now I ask you….wherever you’re from, would that happen to you in your home state? In most cases the answer would be no! So wear eye protection, don’t drink and ride, and you will have pretty much the time of your life. Oh yeah….one more thing don’t do burnouts in front of the police station. A friend of mine., thinking he was in front of the Fire Station, and proceeded to light up the rear tire for a monstrous smoking burnout. He was, in fact in front of the Police Station. He received a standing ovation from spectators, and a $40.00 traffic ticker from the cops. Remember this. When on public property, maintain thyself. What you do when you are on private property is your own business. Have fun ride safe!