Originally posted by Buck Lovell on Friday, 25 November 2011 in Buck Lovell’s – American Biker Blog


When the founding members of the Hamster Motorcycle Club had an epiphany, and decided to form a motorcycle club, I doubt if they envisioned the rather large, fun loving group of motorcycle riders I see every year at the Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Club members do not wear colors except for the distinctive yellow Tee shirts. Yeller shirts if yer from Kentucky. Club members do not act like tough guy motorcycle riders, most are as friendly as any American biker you’ll ever meet. Sure, some of them drink, and smoke, and drag race and build custom motorcycle, and ride those motorcycles. The real common denominator of the club is custom motorcycles. Almost exclusively Harley-Davidson or Victory motorcycles, but I’ve seen a few other names in the parking lot.

Every Monday of every Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Hamster Motorcycle Club members host a large Hamster member dinner and auction at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, which raises thousands of dollars for their charity, Children’s Care Hospital & School Foundation in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, SD. Every Thursday of every Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, the Hamster Motorcycle Club members ride from Spearfish to downtown Sturgis in an organized group on Interstate 90. Yeller shirts are every where. The photo seen here was taken in 2008.