A 30 year Sturgis Rally tradition continues when the Buffalo Chip Poster Model Search kicks off this February. Want to know what it takes to score the Rally’s most coveted modeling job? Read on to learn about the 2023 Buffalo Chip Poster Model.
Buffalo Chip Poster Model Em Powered spent the 2023 Sturgis rally hanging out at the Chip, participating in signature rides like Biker Belles Women’s Day, and rocking out in the Amphitheater to bands like ZZ Top and Def Leppard – all while representing The Best Party Anywhere. If you missed out on basking in her beautiful presence and engaging in astute conversation, read on to see what she is all about!

34 years young
Registered Nurse and Ambassador to Women and Motorsports
What are three words that describe your personality?
What is your favorite hobby?
Exploring our beautiful country on two wheels. Steeve McQueen once said “Racing is life.” For me, it’s “Riding.”
Where do you go when you want to have fun and cut loose?
I leather up, hop on my Indian, and hit the hills. The most enjoyable roads are the ones that challenge you; the ears popping, stomach dropping, and dragging footboards. As you come out of the turn into a straightaway, you squeeze the clutch, upshift, and crack the throttle; wind in your face, heart pounding, and you can’t seem to stop smiling. Being on my bike is an adrenaline I live for and love.
Describe your fantasy motorcycle ride.
I took my fantasy motorcycle ride last year with my dog Tator. Together we rode the lower 48 states and all four corners of the US in 26 days covering 13,528 miles.
If you could be a rockstar for a day, who would it be and why?
Janis Joplin. She was the ultimate symbol for sexual freedom and female empowerment. Unfortunately, gone way too soon in life.
If you could hold any world record, what would you want it to be, and why?
Last year I helped set a new world record along with 100 other women for the most amount of ladies on Indian Motorcycles at one time. I’m hoping to help beat it this year in August.
Who is the person who’s been the biggest influence on your life? Why?
My parents. They worked extremely hard to help my brother and I through college and give us the opportunities in life that they did not have. I am forever grateful to them.
Why did you want to be the 2023 Buffalo Chip Poster Model?
What sets the Buffalo Chip apart from everywhere else is the magic in itself. The Chip has the ability to bring such a diverse group of people together and despite our differences, form a community. Each year, it’s as if we attend a family reunion. Which is why the sign “Welcome Home Bikers” as you enter the campground has such a strong meaning.

We all know the venue for being “The Best Party Anywhere.” However, it is so much more than just that.
From their generous contribution to the veterans, to their ongoing effort to embrace women in motorcycling, the Buffalo Chip has earned my love and respect which is why It would be an honor to represent them.
I can honestly say that I am far more of a rider than I will ever be a swimsuit model…. However, being the poster model isn’t just posing for a picture.
You’re the brand ambassador for the largest music and motorcycle festival in the world. It requires you to know the industry, be outgoing, and also have strong marketing skills.
Because at the end of the day you want people to continue to return each year to the family reunion for generations to come.
The Sturgis Poster Model contest kicks off every year in February, you can see a full schedule at buffalochip.com!