Originally posted by Buck Lovell on Saturday, 26 May 2012 in Buck Lovell’s – American Biker Blog
Bikers like parties…if Rhea (pronounced Ray) Trevino was alive this is the kind of party he would attend without a doubt. Cash Prizes, Show N Shine Bike Show, 50/50 Raffle, Silent Auction, and a and a Childrens are six damn good reasons for motorcycle riders to show up. This is a family/community biker style block party you won’t want to miss out on. Sunday June 10th at 9 AM is the big day….as they say…be there or be square. The after-run party is to be held downtown Spearfish next to the Back Porch at 2 PM with live music and a Bar-B-Que. Max Temple, and Demand Theory are the bands schedules to play. Call Dakota V-Twin (605) 717-0009, and ask for Nick to get your map showing the route of the Poker Run. The Poker Run starts at Dakota V-Twin just off exit 8 in Spearfish at 10 AM.