ZZ Top Announcement, And Gimme All Your Lovin’ Too!

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip is bringing in the ultimate, no-nonsense, make-you-party-so-hard-you-forget-what-planet-you’re-on band, ZZ Top, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021 and showing some Valentine’s Day love by featuring fans in wild internet memes. While the world is busy getting sucked into a black hole of seriousness, the Sturgis Buffalo Chip is bringing blues-rock divinity ZZ Top to the masses as a reminder that good old rock and roll can help bring back their smiles. Festival fans worldwide are getting a ZZ Top announcement from the venue just in time for Valentine’s Day. GIMME ALL YOUR LOVIN’ Since ZZ Top music is about having fun and Valentine’s Day is a time […]
Sturgis Rally Numbers – How Big Was the 2021 Sturgis Rally?

The dust has settled on an incredible rally, and now everyone is asking the same question – How big was the 81st Sturgis Rally in 2021? This year was a bounce back year for the Sturgis Rally. Leading up to the 81st, rumors swirled that 2021 would see a massive turnout, maybe even the largest Sturgis Rally ever. In some ways, the rumors were true. What was the Sturgis Rally Attendance in 2021? SD Department of Transportation numbers as reported by the department and local News Source KOTA, indicate “more than 525,000 visitors attended the 81st Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.” “Rally attendance was up […]